Advocate Henk Botha is a recognized authority on business and sales negotiations and negotiating with unions. He has in-depth experience in business and labour negotiations for more than 54 years.
Advocate Henk Botha is a recognized authority on business and sales negotiations and negotiating with unions. He has in-depth experience in business and labour negotiations for more than 54 years.
Between 1970 and 1981, Henk experienced labour negotiations in the municipal sector. As Executive Director from 1981 to 1984, he presented numerous negotiation seminars across commerce and industry. Since 1984, business executives, professionals from countries spanning from North America to the Far East have attended his seminars.
He has written several best-seller books on labour law. In 2004, Henk published The Tough Negotiator: Never Pay Too Much, Settle Too Low or Concede Too Quickly.
Adv. Botha has also created web-based video tutorials entitled The Negotiation Toolbox for the international business community. He created the much-acclaimed E.M.P.O.W.E.R.™ technology for designing a negotiation strategy with punch.
Advocate Botha holds the I.A.C. Diploma and the degrees B. Iuris, LL.B and PhD. The SA Board for People Practices awarded him the distinction of Master Human Resources Practitioner (MHRP). Since 1984, Henk practised as an Advocate of the High Court of South Africa, specialising in labour law.
Over more than 54 years, he has experienced every facet of negotiations, from Management-Labour negotiations to action in the courtroom, mediation, buying and selling, and various types of business negotiations.
The Institute of Administration and Commerce of Southern Africa awarded Henk the status of a Fellow of the Institute. The Mediation Training Institute International, USA, recognized him as a Subject Matter Expert (SME).
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